Making accountancy accessible for all businesses.

Facilitating financial clarity for owners of growing businesses.

Our Specialisms

We specialise in working with creatives, agencies and influencers to maximise every penny from the hard work you put into making your business a success.

We're not just accountants that deal with the boring taxes and keeping you compliant. We champion your business, your successes and the exciting trails that you blaze. We work in partnership with our clients so you feel supported and that we have your back. Think of us as your finance team, but without the cost of having someone employed full time.

Our Services

We provide a full range of bookkeeping and accounting services, making life as easy as possible for you and taking on the burden of meeting filing deadlines and keeping HMRC happy.

Whether it's keeping your bookkeeping up to date, advising on the most tax efficient way of taking money out of your business or making sure that your accounts and taxes are submitted on time, we provide a full range of services to keep you compliant and give you peace of mind. That way you can focus on making those juicy sales and really reaching for the stars with your business.


Let's face it, accounts and taxes are a bit dull....

Yep, I said it. It's true. The whole topic can be a bit boring.

So I've made it my mission to make the subject as bearable as possible for you.

Why work with boring Dave the Dinosaur* whose worn the same tweed suit since the 1970s and speaks a load of accounting jargon that you don't really understand, but really don't want to ask?  

By injecting a bit of life and fun into our calls, it takes away the dread of having to speak to your accountant. My aim is that you come away from our conversations refreshed, knowledgeable and with a clear picture of where your business is at.

What's more, I offer complete transparency with the price you will be charged, so no nasty surprises can be sprung with unexpected bills.

*Apologies to all Daves. And dinosaurs.

How I can help you

Accounts & Company Tax

From keeping your bookkeeping in tip top shape to submitting your company tax returns, this is the full package.

Self Employed Tax

Squeezing every penny from your self-employed business to minimise the amount of tax you pay (legally, of course).

Xero Accounting Software

We recommend Xero software to all our clients, no matter what size or age of your business.

It's the crème de la crème of accounts software.

Working with Rhoda is knowing our business is in safe hands.

- Anna, Director


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